MAAT 2000
The New Generation Integrated Ship Design Suite
Designed since 1980 for naval architects and marine engineers who want more than an ordinary modeller, MAAT is the C++/Windowsâ object oriented superset of the well known CIRCE 3D, providing all the necessary ship design tools in a totally integrated suite.
Thanks to SISTRE's mathematical advance, the classical NURBS theory has been extensively improved in order to provide outstanding surface modelling features. Dynamical surface setting with real time curvature and sections feed back is available for first sketches, but professionals know that fairing is not a free-hand work: Why spending hours to set control points carefully for uncertain results when built-in functions can do the job instantly? Why restraining your imagination by NURBS limitations? MAAT is the only hull generation program also providing more than 80 oriented surface modelling functions for mastering ship geometry really and quickly, from the first sketch till the final lofting.
In addition to MAAT's native hull definition procedure, built-in hull libraries, hydrostatic or advanced geometric transformations of parent hulls are possible, as well as creating new surfaces from scanned drawings, existing tables of offsets or IGES, DXF, OFE, HPGL files.
Superstructures can be designed as easily as the hull by combining MAAT's surface modeller, geometric builder and drafting module. This is a field where integration makes the work so flexible that designers generally do much more than necessary !
The ship project can therefore quickly contain hundreds or thousands of objects, this amount being only restricted by your computer memory. As a consequence of SISTRE's totally new unified modelling (project is a set of objects, surfaces are sets of patches, patches and lines are sets of arcs, arcs are sets of vertices, vertices are sets of coordinates, coordinates are sets of bytes, bytes are sets of bits...), MAAT provides a powerful Windowsâ Explorer-like data manager allowing to copy, paste, modify, sort, delete any object and, for a total design comfort, unlimited undo/redo is also provided everywhere.
But mastering ship geometry cannot be achieved without analysing its current features. As seen above, fairness can be immediately appreciated during the surface modelling process, as well as excessive double curvature or surfaces/lines geometric properties.
Moreover, as a marine oriented tool, MAAT provides online access to full range hydrostatic calculations: Sectional area curves, hydrostatic curves and tank capacity, cross curves, max KGs, floodable length, intact or damadged stability according to various criteria... Combining MAAT's data manager with its built-in compartment divider makes ship compartmentation exceptionally easy, allowing to compute complex damages quickly.
Still thanks to SISTRE's unified modelling, all the produced documents are MAAT objects that can be conserved among project data and stored for any later use.
MAAT's geometric superiority makes it the most powerful lofting tool on the market and this ability to produce easily a reliable geometry is the smartest access to computer aided manufacturing.
Combining tightly the best of 3D surface modelling with mechanical drawing is the cornerstone of ship structure generation and this is what only MAAT does really : Instead of breaking the design process by exporting the structural design work to an external drafting or solid modelling program, MAAT allows to do it within its 3D marine oriented world, providing about 100 more drawing functions.
This unique integration of drafting in the 3D surface world makes MAAT dramatically efficent for solving complex structural problems. Geodesics, curvature lines, surface to surface intersections... can be obtained directly from the drafting module and combined freely with basic entities like circle arcs, polygons, splines...
Credit: REDS
Expanded shells and plates become active 3D entities inwhich you can draft plate boundaries, stiffener traces, or cutout openings : ship weight and geometry are updated in 3D in real time.
Credit: REDS
SISTRE products are used worldwide for years by renowned designers and shipyards, becoming French Navy's hull definition standard since 1985. The MAAT 2000 range is the only ship design software that brings this level of integration on your PC, allowing a global 3D work from top to down. All the plates of this brochure have been captured from MAAT display without any modification, to show what you can really produce.
But integration does not mean standing alone : MAAT exports and imports easily all the usual file formats (CSV, DXF, OFE, IGES...) and its integration simply reduces data exchanges to the minimum, avoiding time wastes and data losses. At last, integration is a very good value : using a "software puzzle" costs a lot more and generally does less, global maintenance being often a problem.
In spite of its technical advance, MAAT is the most affordable product of its range. SISTRE provides 3 MAAT levels corresponding to typical user profiles :
MAAT-Pro : This full version is intended for design offices, providing SISTRE's advanced surface modelling, wireframe modelling, 3D/2D surface drafting, full hydrostatic, offsetting, 3D rendering, etc...
MAAT-Plus : This version is intended for naval architects, providing the functions of MAAT-Pro except 3D / 2D drafting
MAAT-Lite : This version is intended for beginners, providing all the functions of MAAT-Plus except advanced hydrostatic (free waterplane analysis and intact stability only) and advanced transformations :