Advanced design software for mastering ship geometry

How to Purchase a Maat Hydro License 


Two commercial MAAT Hydro versions are available in addition to the free demo version, whose features are compared below :


MAAT Hydro +: Commercial version designed for pleasure boat designers.

MAAT Hydro ++: Commercial version designed for professional boat designers.


Before purchasing the MAAT Hydro License you have chosen, you must download MAAT Hydro Demo and have installed it on your system in order to be able to run it before following these steps :


Select the USB memory key which will support your license file and connect it to your system in order to make it accessible by MAAT Hydro. If you wish to use the software on any other computers (laptop, ...) this key will just have to be connected to it, in order to remain accessible by the software as long as you want to use this license. It is therefore recommended not to select your hard disk as license support, except if you wish to restrain license's mobility (Schools, Universities, etc...).


Run MAAT Hydro, select "/Help/Order License" in the menu bar and fill in all the fields of the License Ordering Data dialog box which pops up :


  • Enter the user name which will appear on the MAAT Hydro reports.
  • Enter your E-mail address
  • Select a license duration
  • Select the MAAT Hydro version
  • Click on the [Browse] button to localize the USB memory key used for supporting the license and enter the name of the KPT file to create
  • Click on the [Copy License Ordering Code] button to close the License Ordering dialog box: A license ordering cryptogram will then be copied in the Windows' clipboard and stored on the USB key in a KPT file.


A) If your order must be processed offline, please attach the created KPT file to the license ordering mail you will send to Sistre: Your license will be returned within 1 day, with the corresponding invoice.


B) If your order must be directly processed online, go to the corresponding online purchase page. You will then have to paste the cryptogram copied by MAAT Hydro in Windows' clipboard by pressing [Ctrl][v] keys in purchase page's 'Cryptogram' field. Click on the [Add to Cart] button and follow the online payment procedure. Invoice's VAT exemption will be automatically applied, depending on your geographical localization and on the availability / validity of your professional identification in your account data. Please, notice that VAT exemption may not be immediately taken into account after entering your professional identification data, as its validation may take a few hours for European customers, and a few days for the others, depending on taxation authorities response time.


For Pleasure Boats:

Purchase a MAAT Hydro + License




For Professional Ships & Boats:


Purchase a MAAT Hydro ++ License





 MAAT Hydro Functionalities :



Maat Hydro DemoMaat Hydro+
Maat Hydro++
Modelling / Transformation Functions checked
checked checked
Import / Export / Storage checked checked checked
3D Real Time Visualization checked checked checked
Stability Criterion Scripting checked checked checked
Real Time Hydro. Analysis / Quasi-Static Swell Motions checked checked checked
Real Time Mass Management checked checked checked
Floatation / SAC Analysis checked checked checked
Silhouette Analysis
checked checked
Subdivision Analysis
checked checked
Float Analysis
checked checked
Mass Analysis
checked checked
Hydrostatic Curves Calculation
checked checked
Tank Calibration
checked checked
 Sounding Curves & Table Calculation     checked
Transverse Stability (intact / damage) Calculation checked(1) checked checked
Trim Curves / Tables Calculation
checked checked
Lines Presentation Leaves
checked checked
Lines Plan Generation
Deterministic Damage Stability Calculation      checked
Probabilistic Damage Stability Calculation

Dredge Stability Calculation

Stability with Water on Deck (Stockholm) Calculation

Intermediate Flooding Stages

 Maximim Steady Heel Angles Calculation     checked
Cross Curves Calculation

Max KGs Calculation

Floodable Length Calculation

Longitudinal Strength Calculation

Grounding Calculation

Tonnage Calculation     checked
V Lines Calculation     checked


(1) Calculations restrained to 1 single intact compartment for a basic criterion.